

Show Your Stripes

iHeart is committed to creating a more supportive world for veterans returning home and to connecting veterans and their families with communities, businesses, resources, programs and nonprofits that support their different wellness needs and that are contributing to their overall wellbeing.

Show Your Stripes is built upon the 8 dimensions of wellness— emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual wellness.

Emotional Wellness

Coping effectively with life and creating satisfying relationships.


Physical Wellness

Recognizing the need for physical activity, healthy foods, appropriate healthcare and sleep.


Social Wellness

Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system.


Occupational Wellness

Personal satisfaction and enrichment from one’s work.


Financial Wellness

Satisfaction with current and future financial situations.

Financial Hardship

Environmental Wellness

Good health by occupying pleasant, stimulating environments that support well-being.


Intellectual Wellness

Recognizing creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills.


Spiritual Wellness

Expanding a sense of purpose and meaning in life.


Wellness - -
And Why It's Important

Wellness is about more than health -- it also includes emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing, and every aspect of wellness can affect a person’s life.

Veterans and their families often face difficult and unique physical and mental challenges, some as a result of war trauma. Often the approach in dealing with these challenges is a clinical diagnosis. But wellness is more than a clinical diagnosis; it is conscious, self-directed and evolving; holistic and multidimensional; positive and affirming; and inclusive. Programs and services that focus on the eight dimensions of wellness enhance the natural resiliency of veterans and their families and place them on a path to becoming successful, productive leaders and members of their community, and our goal is to offer broad recommendations and resources that can contribute to a person’s overall wellness..

Local & Individualized Support

Browse other relevant resources to help you achieve overall wellness.

Are You a Veteran in Crisis?

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National Resources Directory

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Find a Local DAV Service Office

Locate a DAV national service office nearest you.

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NAMI Homefront

Health, wellness and recovery resources

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Access and manage benefits, claims and documents.

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Homebase Nation Podcast

Home Base Nation podcast brings you discussions on thriving beyond surviving.

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Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services

If you are an individual, organization, or community that wants to contribute to the overall wellbeing of veterans and their families, Dixon Center for Military and Veterans Services is a resource for ideas, influence, and actions.

Some of Our Great Partners